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A member registered Feb 19, 2022

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Good game though, just giving feedback for next time :) keep it up!

Agreed I should have worded that better.  I meant I would have like to have seen the FPV of Freddy scaring the security guard and his terrified face

Pretty dope!! My son submitted a game for this Jam as well.  You should get him on your team he makes stuff similar to this, and also really enjoyed playing it.

Dude this was pretty dang good

I would have liked to see a jump scare of the security guard.  If I'm playing as Freddy I shouldn't get a jump scare by him.

cool concept but its laggy and wont restart after first death.  also the rate of fire increases to an insane difficulty very quickly

12400 Can you beat my high score?  Fun game, but towards lvl 120 the laggy blue paddle makes it super tough to beat the enemy AI.  Overall fun way to spend a few minutes of your day :)

I squished your dog

Not being able to go back and reselect options while in combat was a drawback.  For example if you click attack , you have to attack you cant drink a potion instead.

Not being able to go back and reselect options while in combat was a drawback.  For example if you click attack , you have to attack you cant drink a potion instead.

12400 High Score.  Can you beat it?

Awesome Halloween game!  Very tough but very fun to play

(1 edit)

640 is my top score

Best mowing game of 2022!!